Monday, November 24, 2008

What is the real me?

Many people dont know what is the real me
They dont know how I feel the pain
many people misunderstand me
They dont care Even if they hurt me
I'm hiding my emotions in the darkness
Where no one can see my weakness
THe darkness is the only where
Ican hide my bloody tears
As I'm killing myself with a gun in my head
A knife to cut my throat
As I'm screaming to my disgrace
Many criticize me
But I know someday
There will be someone
Who can understand
What is the Real me...

Friday, October 3, 2008


I'm Bleeding with the pain inside me

The ghost of sorrow is haunting me

In every night I think of what will happen to me

In everyday of my life

I lay down all my senses

To fill up the pieces of me that shatter

And my heart is torn into two

Pulverized like sand

I suffer and bleed for the importance

Of my existence

So I'm asking...


Why am I here for?

What is my purpose?

Why do I Exist?

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Killing in Pain

Why do I live for?

Who do I live for?

Is it for a purpose or just nothing,

Am I just living to feel all the pain,

The pain that darkens my day,

The pain that is killing me,

Killing me little by little...

Eating my soul until its gone,

Ripping it into pieces like a paper,

Why Do I live for?

Is it to die feeling all the pain

Is it just I'm living..

Just to Die...

Scream of Emptyness

My life is full of miscery

Full of pain, sorrow and uncompleteness

I'm always feeling so alone and empty

Emptyness that I want to fill up with colors

My life is such a miscery

Full of hate and suffering

I want to cut my throat

For the longingness I feel I wanna scream,

But nothing come out in my mouth

I wanna scream to my ressurrection

My faith is unknown

But this miscery...

I know ...

It will come to an end..

Monday, September 22, 2008

in the Darkness

all alone in the darkness of the room

waiting for someone to understand me

to show some care for me

to be with me

i'm all alone in the darkness

waiting for my time to come out

and show them what i've got

show them that i have the gutt's

and I have the right's to be treated

the right way

i'm in the darkness

just watching,



and yet


Bleeding in Pain

I'm bleeding with the pain inside me

The ghost of sorrow is haunting me

In every night I think of what will happen to me

In everyday of my life

I lay down all my senses

To fill up the pieces of me that shatter

And my heart is torn into two

Pulverized like sand

I suffer and bleed for the importance

of my existence

So I'm asking...


Why am I here for?

What is my purpose?

Why do I exist?

I hate Myself As much as I hate You

I hate the pain that i keep inside me

I hate the my weaknesses

I hate myself

I hate those people who make me feel like a looser

I hate myself co'z I can't say what I really feel

I hate all the people that makes me feel sick

I hate them co'z they make me feel dumb

I may mabe a looser but I can break your faces!!

Sunday, September 21, 2008


eyeliner doesn't hide the tears,

nor does the black hair hide the eyes,

the glasses frame the soul.once so strong,

once so whole.the bracelets don't hide the cuts,

nor does the blood hide the sorrow,

the fishnet frames the so pained,
now so apart.loving doesn't hide the denial,

nor does feeling hide the absence,

the sadness frames the eyes.

heart once whole,..

soul slowly cries


I hate myself, for all that I’ve done.I hate myself, for trying to live.

I hate myself for showing emotion.I hate myself for attempting to love.

I hate myself with a burning passion.I hate myself for all that I am.

I hate myself for crying my eyes out.I hate myself for trying to stand.

I hate myself, nothing can change that.I hate myself for not having died.

I hate myself for cutting the rope.I hate myself, for the failed suicide.

I feel the grip of my own self-hatred.I feel the cold, hard hand of God.

His grip is cruel, his humor worse.He sent me from being happy, to this lonely rotting hearse.

I hate myself because of life.I hate myself for trying to hide.

I honestly think I’d be better off dead.I might as well commit suicide.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Comparison Of The Glass and Heart

the glass breaks because it fell and no body caught it..

just like the heart

it breaks

because it keeps on falling for someone

who wasn't there to catch it...


Loving Someone who Doesn't feel the same way

Is like drowning in the middle of the sea,

Struggling for your life,

While someone is at the shore,

Watching you die...

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Friends are the only angels
We’ll ever get to see
While still on earth
While we still can breath

They’re there for us
Through thick and thin
They light our way
When our path is dim

To hold your hand
To counsel you through
To help you out
To hold to you true

They’re God’s little gift
To show you He’s there
They’re his angel’s to you
To show you that he does care

Deviant Art .com